Monday, July 28, 2008

Hanging out with George Romero

I promise to start blogging properly about MIFF soon, but for now, here's a small taste of what the last couple of days have been like: myself and George Romero sharing a laugh after recording an interview at Three Triple R earlier this morning (photo by Donna Morabito). God I love my life!

And here (pix by Jim Lee) are some shots from last Saturday night's premiere screening of the new Romero film, Diary of the Dead. After the recent Zombie Shuffle, the festival had asked Clem and I to arrange for some zombies to turn up to the premiere, for a photo opp with George. As you can see, we had quite a turn-out!

In the foyer of the Capitol before the screening - I'm the white-faced zombie to Romero's left (photo by Jim Lee)

At the Q+A after the screening (photo by Jim Lee).


Tim Norton said...

Oh my god!
I love your life too!

Anonymous said...

lucky bugger - his "conversation" was great last night - though did he have anything to say about those bizarre/lame questions???

richardwatts said...

Sam - he didn't, no - nor did I mentioned said questions, though to be fair I fled in horror after the first, meandering question from a student that basically boiled down to 'where do you get your ideas'. The questions at the Q+A after Saturday night's screening of 'Diary of the Dead' where far more coherent...

Anonymous said...

Gee Richard, you almost look healthy these days!

Anonymous said...

Did George Romero really almost get thrown up on by a zombie at the screening? I heard it on film buff's during the Radiothon.

richardwatts said...

Tim - not quite. A zombie did vomit at the premiere of 'Diary of the Dead' due to motion sickness induced by the hand-held cinematography, but George wasn't present at the time...